Spring Institute for Youth Services 2022
Spring Institute 2022: LEVEL UP March 10 – 11, 2022 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Spring Institute for Youth Services 2022 is back in person! Save the date and register today to join us March 10-11, 2022 at the Comfort Inn & Suites Conference Center Mt. Pleasant at Central Michigan University. Attendee registration is open!
At MLA's first in-person conference since 2019, we invite you to LEVEL UP. Whether that means growing professionally within your current role, wanting to communicate your vision better to your team, or aspirations for moving up in the profession, we can't wait to share ideas and energy for leveling up to make positive changes within your organization and the library profession.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions
We are moving forward with our plans to host Spring Institute for Youth Services in person in Mt. Pleasant with additional safety precautions in place. We are continuing to monitor and follow all current requirements related to COVID-19 from the CDC, State of Michigan, and the hotel venue in order to provide the safest environment for our attendees and will adjust our plans and health protocols as necessary.
Please note that all attendees, exhibitors, partners and staff will be required to show either proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 PCR or rapid test result within 72 hours of the first day of the event and everyone will be required to wear a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status. Review the Spring Institute COVID-19 information here to learn more about current safety measures and requirements. If you have questions or concerns, contact MLA at [email protected].
Thank you to our Sponsors and Exhibitors!
Abdo Publishing Company www.abdobooks.com
Baker & Taylor www.baker-taylor.com
Book Farm LLC www.thebookfarminc.com
Bound to Stay Bound Books www.btsb.com
Capstone www.capstonepub.com
Howell Nature Center www.howellnaturecenter.org
MDHHS - MiTracking www.michigan.gov/MiTracking
MellyPop! Productions www.mellypopproductions.com
Michigan Learning Channel www.michiganlearning.org