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Fall Institute 2020 Archives
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Couldn't make it to Fall Institute 2020? You can purchase access to the archives to view recordings of all education sessions as well as handouts and chat transcripts when available.

This spring, COVID brought us many things, including time, challenges and opportunities. We chose to use this unique situation to bring virtual Reader's Advisory training to our entire staff. We will detail why RA training is important and beneficial, what worked well (and what didn't work!) for us, and other topics like changes in cultural approach and what we plan to do if we go BACK into quarantine. Join us as we share what worked well, as well as the resources we created and found along the way.
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OneCard for Every Kalamazoo Student!
What if every student was automatically registered for a public library card? Discover how the Kalamazoo Public Library and Kalamazoo Public Schools worked together to develop the OneCard program; an initiative that ensured that every student was automatically registered for a public library card.
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Inclusive Virtual Spaces and Services for Kids and Families
The Ypsilanti District Library strives to create spaces, programs, and collections that welcome and reflect our diverse community. As services shifted to online and outside the library, we continued to prioritize inclusion. See how we develop online asynchronous programs for kids with anti-racism and self-care as well as STEAM activities, multicultural activities that involved community members, and Build Your Own Storytime components and kits for parents with very young children. Learn how we use our connections and knowledge of our community when applying for funding and distributing supply kits for online youth programs to create inclusive, empowering virtual library services for all families.
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