Michigan Library Association
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Support MLA Future Pathways Grants

As we approach the end of the year, many of us look for meaningful ways to give back. This year, we invite you to support the MLA Equity Fund. Our goal is to raise $3,000 by year-end, and with your help, we know we can achieve this!

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Advocacy Action Plan FY25

The MLA Advocacy and Legislative Committee, chaired by Jenny Marr, finalized the 2024-2025 Action Plan. The plan outlines the top legislative priorities on both a State and Federal level as well as an advocacy plan to promote the value of libraries and librarians to both legislators and the general public.

View the MLA 2024-2025 Advocacy Action Plan at milibraries.org/mla-advocacy

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Note from Debbie

The voters have spoken and Michigan will again see a change in House leadership when the 103rd Legislature takes over on January 1, 2025. The short-lived, two-year trifecta of democratic control will come to an end, and while our Governor is a Democrat and the Senate continues to have a democratic majority, the House now has a solid 58-52 Republican majority.  

With that in mind, it is even more critical that we do all that we can before the year's end to pass the Freedom to Read legislation (House Bills 6034 and 6035) that MLA has been supporting for the past two years.

Two weeks ago, Rep. Glanville (D-Walker) and Rep. Paiz (D-Harper Woods) introduced tie-barred legislation that simply requires libraries to adopt collection development policies that incorporate both the principles of the First Amendment and the rights afforded and upheld in civil rights protections. By incorporating both principles into standard library policy, libraries can 1) protect citizen’s rights to receive and express diverse ideas without censorship, and 2) put to rest baseless challenges targeting authors or the subject matter, content, or viewpoint of material based on protected class. 

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Justice for All Commission Seeks Library Representation

The Justice for All Commission currently has an open seat for appointment of an individual on behalf of the Michigan libraries as a stakeholder group.

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Gov. Whitmer's Appointments to the Library of Michigan Board of Trustees

On August 15, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced two appointments to the Library of Michigan Board of Trustees.

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