News - Advocacy
Friday, May 31, 2024 12:00 AM

FY25 Budget Recommendations for Libraries

As policymakers weigh competing priorities, it’s essential to understand the different versions of the budget and their implications for library services across the state.

In the Governor’s proposed budget, no additional support has been allocated to libraries. The budget remains flat based on FY24 funding levels.

The House of Representatives has taken a slightly different approach. They’ve allocated a $500,000 increase to State Aid for Libraries. While this amount may seem modest, it represents a step toward recognizing the vital role libraries play in communities. These funds could support various initiatives, such as expanding digital resources, enhancing programming, or improving physical infrastructure.

The Senate’s proposed budget allocates $25 million to School Libraries in the School Aid Fund. School libraries play a crucial role in supporting student achievement, and this funding could make a significant impact. Beyond school libraries, the Senate earmarks $15.5 million for “Community Revitalization and Municipal Support.” While this category encompasses various projects, it explicitly includes “municipal library improvements.” This allocation recognizes that libraries are community hubs, providing essential services beyond books—such as job assistance, technology access, and cultural enrichment.

As the budget negotiations continue, advocates for libraries must emphasize their impact on education, community development, and individual well-being. Remember that these budget proposals are subject to change as legislators deliberate and negotiate. Advocacy from library supporters can influence the final outcome. Continue to contact your legislators and champion the importance of libraries in our communities!

Take Action for Michigan Libraries

Contact your legislators TODAY and tell them that Michigan libraries need their support! Ask them to support increased and secured funding for State Aid and capital improvements and urge them to protect the freedom to read.

We've made it easy to take action. Just click the button, enter your contact information to connect to your State legislators, customize your email, and send!!

Make sure you edit our prewritten template before you hit send! Add details about:

  • how your library’s services have impacted you and/or your community;
  • how State Aid is used at your library and how increased funds would enhance your ability to serve your community;
  • capital improvements your library needs;
  • or add any stories or information about the importance of the freedom to read.

If your legislator's office responds, make sure you follow up with any information requested! Offer yourself/your organization or MLA as a resource for finding solutions.


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