MLA News | Michigan Library Association
News - MLA
Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:00 AM

Say Yes to Getting Involved With MLA! The 2023-2024 Call for Ambassadors is Open

The Call for Ambassador online signup for 2024-2025 workgroups and committees is now open! Applications are accepted through April 26, 2024. Learn more and apply at

We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to make a difference in the Michigan library community, develop your leadership skills, grow your network, and represent MLA. We hope you say YES! If you're interested in growing personally or professionally, we have a place for you!

News - MLA
Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:00 AM

Note From Dillon

February 22, 2023

Dillon Geshel

For MLA, the beginning of a new year is an exciting time. As we settle into another year of work in service to member libraries, we reach out with our annual Call for Ambassadors. It’s an opportunity for the organization to remind our membership about the many volunteer opportunities available, re-engage with longtime volunteers, and welcome many new faces to our work groups and committees. As a membership organization, the work and success of MLA is only made possible by a committed membership base that steps up to help us achieve our goals. From conference planning to defending the freedom to read, mentoring new leaders and so much more, MLA ambassadors transform our priorities into real value for the membership through their commitment and hard work. And guess what? MLA is ready to find an ambassador role for every interested member. Everyone is welcome, and the more folks that step up, the stronger we are as an organization. 

News - Advocacy
Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:00 AM

Local Library Funding From Voter-Approved Millages Facing Opposition

What Would Happen if Libraries Were No Longer Funded by Property Taxes?

A small group in Michigan is questioning if property taxes should be eliminated by changing the Michigan Constitution and is actively working to get this question onto the November ballot. Over 446,000 valid voter signatures are needed by July 8, 2024, to make this a reality. And then it would be left to the voters.

News - Advocacy
Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:00 AM

Governor Whitmer Proposes No Increase to State Aid to Libraries in FY25 Budget

As we have experienced for 8 years of the Snyder Administration and the 6th year of Governor Whitmer’s administration, the FY25 State Aid to Libraries budget remains flat. We also saw no increases for Library of Michigan programs/staff. (Link to the full GF budget below – Library of Michigan budget is on page 76.)

News - Advocacy
Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:00 AM

More Ways to Support Libraries and the Freedom to Read

We need your help to spread the message for Michigan Library Advocacy Day! Order shirts to wear on April 16th and/or record a 30-second clip asking your legislator to support intellectual freedom and First Amendment rights by supporting the Freedom to Read Legislation.

News - MLA
Thursday, January 25, 2024 12:00 AM

Note From Debbie

January 25, 2024

MLA is embarking on a new and exciting chapter as we prepare to be a fully remote workforce!

As many of you know, MLA’s office lease at 3410 Belle Chase Way in Lansing will be expiring at the end of June 2024 and the MLA board has made the strategic decision not to renew our lease. While the staff has been “mostly” remote since March 2020 when the pandemic hit, we will now be going “fully” remote. With five months left, MLA staff are working tirelessly in figuring out all the big and small details of this permanent move – leasing a PO Box, making address change requests, updating business cards, renting a larger storage unit, repacking and sorting conference supplies, preparing furniture to be sold or given away, shutting off utilities, updating our remote policy, and making sure the staff have everything they need at their home offices. What to do with our copy machine might be our biggest challenge…how will we survive without it?!

News - MLA
Wednesday, January 24, 2024 12:00 AM

2024 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference

In good news, economists painted a positive picture of the state's economic outlook at the Consensus Revenue Estimating conference held on January 12, 2024. 

The revenue predictions were made during this twice-a-year meeting in which economists and leaders of the state budget office and the House and Senate fiscal agencies come to a common understanding of how much tax revenue the state will have in the coming years. The estimates are used as guides to develop the annual state budget.

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