Michigan Library Association
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Written by Steven K. Bowers, 2017-2018 MLA President   

President's Update - April 12, 2018

MLA 2017-18 President Steven Bowers

This month I want to send an encouraging welcome to the MLA Academic Libraries Interest Group! Last month I noted that the group will be led by Monique Oldfield (Wayne State University) and Jill Sodt (Mott Community College) this year. Make sure to check the MLA newsletter to take a look at their article about getting the group started. I want to thank them and the MLA office for all of the work they have already done to help the group get going.

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Written by Steven K. Bowers, 2017-2018 MLA President   

President's Update - May 10, 2018

MLA 2017-18 President Steven Bowers

I was able to attend so many great events this past month and some more good ones are coming up. Both speakers for the recent human resources workshop on difficult conversations were excellent. They really knew how to focus in on helping employees succeed at doing their jobs well, and how to prevent uncomfortable situations that none of us want to encounter. There was a nice crowd at the event and we wrapped up with very engaging table talks.

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