Michigan Library Association
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MLA Advocacy - October 25, 2018

Interior image of the Michigan State Capitol Dome

All eyes are on the November 6 election. Even the pundits aren't predicting winners and losers. In part, that's because political polling has become unreliable. In the past, a telephone poll of 700 voters would garner more than 500 results. Now a poll might get a handful of folks to answer questions. As a result, pollsters are increasingly in the dark about what to expect on election day.

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New MIOSHA Rules Took Effect on June 22

June 23, 2021

The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) filed COVID-19 emergency rules to align with Federal OSHA's Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on June 22, with the updated rules taking effect immediately and expiring on Dec. 22, 2021. 

The updated MIOSHA emergency rules adopt the Federal OSHA ETS and focus on health care settings where known or suspected COVID-19 patients may be present. These workplaces may have a higher exposure risk for employees and need continued protections to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. 


Letter from Debbie

May 27, 2021

Our world is changing and the library profession must address challenges that a few short years ago were nowhere on our radar. What was important yesterday, may now be irrelevant. Challenges that once were thought solved…back on the plate. Values of equity, diversity and inclusion, justice, accessibility are being brought to the forefront.

Last year, the MLA Board adopted a new mission, a new vision, and a three-year strategic plan. We affirmed that it is a “rolling” plan -- updated annually to make sure we remain relevant, continue to address the needs of the field, and address the achievements of MLA. 

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MLA Advocacy - September 27, 2018

Interior image of the Michigan State Capitol Dome

Lame Duck Session Officially Starts After Elections

We'll be watching closely for any legislation that could impact library funding. After the November elections Michigan's lame duck session could bring unexpected and unwelcome surprises.

In politics, a lame duck is an elected official whose successor has already been elected. That will encompass all of Michigan's political leadership from the Governor to both legislative chambers. This means lawmakers are free to make decisions with little fear of consequence. Lame duck politicians result from term limits, planned retirement, or electoral losses. We will be reminding these legislators of the importance of continued library support throughout this session.

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MLA Advocacy - August 23, 2018

Interior image of the Michigan State Capitol Dome

What is advocacy? The MLA Leadership Academy recently had a presentation from former state representative Barb Farrah who is now with our lobby firm GCSI. We try to emphasize the importance of connecting with local and state elected officials when we're educating our next generation of library leaders. Barb talked about the importance of building relationships early with newly elected officials. Don't wait until January. Once elections are over in November, invite those newly elected lawmakers to your library for a tour, coffee hour, or any community event. You can even host a candidate forum prior to the election as long as you invite all known candidates to participate. We need to practice advocacy every day in our libraries, in our communities and in our personal lives.

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