Michigan Library Association
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Cultural Advocacy Network of Michigan (CAN)

December 18, 2019

For the past five months, MLA has been involved in the formation of a new organization, the Cultural Advocacy Network of Michigan (CAN). This new initiative was started by the leaders of eight statewide cultural organizations, including the Michigan Library Association, Historical Society of Michigan, Michigan Museums Association, Michigan Presenters Network, Michigan Festivals and Events Association, Michigan Youth Arts, Michigan Historic Preservation Network and the Michigan Humanities. We are actively pursuing a number of other statewide cultural entities to join us as well.

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Written by Riz Hatton   
snowman and candy cane decoration on the lawn in front of a brick building

How Libraries Can Help You Celebrate the Holidays

December 3, 2021

The holiday season is finally here! Looking for a way to jazz up your family traditions or looking to create new ones? Your local library can help you do just that

There are so many ways your library can help you celebrate!

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2019 MLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

During the 2019 MLA Annual Meeting that took place Thursday, October 17 at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi at the MLA 2019 Annual Conference, MLA's membership adopted and signed the MLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement.

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Contact Your Federal Legislators and Urge Them to Include Libraries in COVID-19 Relief and Economic Stimulus

March 18, 2020

The U.S. Congress is currently considering COVID-19 (coronavirus) relief and economic stimulus legislation, and likely will consider additional economic relief proposals in the future.

Your legislators need to hear directly from you that they must include libraries in COVID-19 relief and economic stimulus. They also need to hear specifically about how COVID-19 is affecting you and your library.

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Update on MLA’s Work to Address Changes to the Michigan Library Privacy Act

December 19, 2019

Since the introduction of SB611 by Senator Peter MacGregor on October 29, MLA has been gathering input from library directors, deans and others about support and concern on the proposed changes. MLA believes that library privacy is a core value to librarianship and any changes to the Privacy Act should be vetted through the proper channels. This bill was introduced without MLA input. MLA has taken the past 45 days to gather your thoughts and try to find a way to find compromises to the concerns that you’ve brought to our attention in order to get the best possible changes in front of Senator MacGregor by mid-January when it is expected to move forward in the legislative process. 

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