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School Libraries and Librarians - MLA Advocacy Priority Area

The Michigan library community recommends that funds be allocated by the Michigan Legislature to support school libraries staffed by certified school librarians.

Michigan ranks 31st in the nation in 4th grade reading achievement. In addition, a key finding of the recent Michigan State University Read by Grade Three Law Study is that there is a disparity across school districts in the availability of library resources.

We believe that all students in Michigan deserve equitable access to effective school libraries staffed by certified school librarians who:

  • Increase student achievement with focus on reading achievement by supporting and teaching reading and inquiry learning
  • Provide equitable access to diverse resources in their schools
  • Teach information literacy, research, and digital citizenship skills to prepare students for college and career
  • Lead and support technology integration in their schools.

The library community and supporters ask that the legislature work toward creating and supporting specific funding for school libraries. Currently, there are zero dollars allocated specifically to school libraries in Michigan. Equity to access to school libraries staffed by certified school librarians for all students in Michigan is important because, as shown by multiple research studies, the academic success of students corresponds with the presence of an effective school library led by a certified school librarian in each school. The presence of a certified school librarian is even more important to the achievement of students who are economically disadvantaged, black, Hispanic, or have disabilities.

In 2023, Michigan ranks 43rd in the U.S. in supporting school libraries. All of Michigan’s students need school librarians who provide access to diverse resources, improve student achievement, prepare students for college and career, and support technology integration. In addition, the Michigan State University Third Grade Reading Law Report notes that there is a disparity across school districts in the availability of library resources. We can do better! Michigan’s students deserve a quality education and that should include equitable access to a school library staffed by a certified school librarian.

We call on Michigan law makers to support future legislation that no child is without access to a certified school librarian.


Uniting the Michigan Library Community

MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.

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