Michigan Library Association
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2025 State Budget Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference

There is a wide disparity in the revenue projections for the upcoming fiscal years based on numbers from the Senate Fiscal Agency and the Department of Treasury. This is not a common occurrence.

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 Text logo that says MLA 2021 Virtual Annual Conference Connect to the future


MLA 2021 Virtual Registration Information and Rates

Registration Opens:  July 6, 2021 
Early Bird Deadline: September 24, 2021 
Group Deadline: September 24, 2021                
Registration Closes: October 11, 2021

This year, we're pleased to offer a group pass option for our organizational members at a deep discount in addition to individual registration passes. Our virtual conference group passes will allow staff from all levels, roles, and career stages to attend for a flat fee, regardless of their MLA membership status.

Organizational group passes are only available to MLA organizational members. Individual registration rates are dependent on MLA membership status.

Review detailed information below along with guidance to help you select the registration option that works best for you!

Registration Rates

Individual Registration Rates

  Early Bird Rate
Through Sept. 24
Standard Rate
Sept. 25 to Oct. 11
Member $95.00 $130.00
Non-Member $190.00 $260.00
University of Michigan and Wayne State MLIS Students and Oakland Community College Library Services and Technology  Associate of Applied Science

Group Package Rates

Passes Included Total Cost
(Available through Sept. 24)
Per Person Discount
5 passes $350.00 26%
10 passes $675.00 29%
15 passes $950.00 33%
20 passes $1,200.00 37%
25 passes $1,400.00 41%

All conference registration fees must be paid prior to October 11 in order to access the conference platform. 


Individual Registration

Register online as an individual attendee by clicking the link below. This form applies to members, non-members, and students. Students should enter any applicable coupon codes at check-out. At least seven (7) days prior to the conference a link to access the conference platform (Hopin) will be sent to all paid attendees. Attendees can then login and set up their profiles ahead of the scheduled event. All conference registration fees must be paid prior to October 11 in order to access the conference platform. 

Before you register as an individual, check with your employer if they plan to take advantage of our new group rates (see below). Once an individual registration is purchased, that individual will not be able to attend as part of a group. Refunds will not be issued for incorrectly purchased registrations.

Scholarships Are Available!

If you are an MLA member who and would like to attend as an individual registrant but need financial assistance, please submit a scholarship application to MLA as soon as possible. Scholarships are not available for group packages. The form is easy to submit, and MLA is dedicated to making this event as accessible to library professionals as possible, especially those facing economic uncertainty. Learn more and apply


Student Registration

Free for Students! Current MLIS students of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University and students from Oakland Community College Library Services and Technology Associate of Applied Science are eligible to attend the MLA 2021 conference free of charge. Please register as an individual and enter your school’s discount code at check-out. Contact [email protected] for your student discount code.


Group Registration

Only organizational members can purchase the group package discount. Individual rates are non-transferrable to a group package. Group pricing is available until Friday, September 24, 2021.

Organizations will select their desired package based on the total number of employees attending the conference. Group packages can be purchased for your individual branch/school or your entire library system. If your organization doesn’t fit into this pricing structure or you have questions, email [email protected].

Please note that if an individual registration is purchased, that individual will not be able to attend as part of a group. Refunds will not be issued for incorrectly purchased registrations.

Use the button below to register online for a group discount code. The form taker, or delegated contact person, will be sent a private link and code to access the conference platform. Please note all conference registration fees must be paid prior to October 11 in order to access the conference platform. Distribute this code to your staff and individual employees can each register themselves. Once the maximum number of attendees has been reached, the code will automatically deactivate. 


MLA Equity Fund T-shirt Fundraiser

Add Conference T-shirt(s) to your registration order and support the MLA Equity Fund!

$5 from every shirt purchased will be contributed to the MLA Equity Fund

Shirts ordered by September 17, 2021, will be delivered before the conference. Shirts ordered after September 17 may not arrive in time for the event. Price includes shipping via USPS and will be mailed to the address listed on the registration. 

Conference Policies

Please note all conference registration fees must be paid prior to October 11 in order to access the conference platform.

Cancellation Policy

Individual tickets purchased as part of a group pass are not eligible for a refund. Cancellation of an entire group pass must be received in writing by e-mail no later than ten (10) business days prior to the program to qualify for a refund. Within ten (10) business days of the event, no refund will be issued. No-shows will be invoiced. A $50.00 processing fee will be applied to refunds.

Conference Admittance Policy

If you request to be invoiced, and the invoice is unpaid when the conference begins, your attendees' access to the platform may be denied. 


Registration and attendance at, or participation in, MLA meetings or other activities constitutes an agreement by the registration to the use and distribution of the registrants or attendees' image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions of such events and activities by MLA. Registrants also agree that contact information may be shared with conference sponsors and exhibitors for solicitation use before or after the event. Please contact MLA at [email protected] if you'd like to be removed from any list. 

Code of Conduct

MLA is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants and MLA staff. Each participant, including attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, staff, service providers, is expected to understand and follow MLA policies and report any violations. These expectations apply to all MLA activities including those held in conjunction with MLA conferences, events and meetings, as well as online venues and social media.

Full Code of Conduct can be reviewed here: MLA Code of Conduct

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Note From Dillon

I won't sugarcoat it, this one hurts. After nearly two years of work by Michigan Library Association staff, volunteers, and partners, the Freedom to Read bills died in the Senate at the end of 2024. Their introduction during lame duck was a last-ditch effort to cross the finish line and solidify First Amendment protections and civil rights law for Michiganders at public libraries. Unfortunately, the chaos and implosion of the House and the Senate left the Freedom to Read bills to die alongside hundreds of others in both chambers. With the makeup of Michigan's legislature now having shifted, any opportunity to pass these bills is now behind us.

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Dark Store and OMA Legislation Die in Lame Duck

Legislation aimed at closing the dark store tax loophole has died in committee. House Bills 5865-5868 received a hearing in the House Tax Policy Committee on December 11. Andrea Ingmire, from the Peter White Public Library, provided testimony on how the tax loophole is impacting libraries and MLA submitted cards of support and testimony. The legislation did not move out of committee. Stating that they had run out of time for the day, Committee Chair, Representative Cynthia Neeley called the committee to ease and later adjourned. It is now too late in the legislative session for any further action.

House Bill 4693, introduced by Representative John Fitzgerald to amend the Open Meetings Act has also run out of time. Our work continues.

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Chapter & Verse: Storytime from the Stacks New Episode Drops January 9

Subscribe to Chapter & Verse: Storytime from the Stacks and tune in on January 9! Our January episode will be hosted by Carol Dawe Director of the Lakeland Library Cooperative and feature Virginia DeMumbrum, Director of the White Lake Community Library in Whitehall.

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MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.

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