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Help us celebrate and encourage our Michigan library community by recognizing excellence and giving credit where credit is due. Submit a nomination (self-nominations are also strongly encouraged) for the 2022 MLA Awards, or read through the criteria so it's top of mind the next time you, or someone in your library goes above and beyond. We've also made it simpler than ever to submit a nomination, and you can select to have your nomination kept on file for consideration for the 2023 awards as well. Check out complete details and updated criteria by downloading the guidelines linked below.

The Michigan Library Awards will be celebrated at an evening event, live in Port Huron, Michigan on Wednesday, October 19, during the MLA 2022 Annual Conference: Bridging the Divide. We hope you will join us in celebrating Michigan's libraries and library professionals!

Learn more about the Michigan Library Awards and check out the recording of the 2020 and 2021 shows on our website at milibraries.org/michigan-library-awards

Submit a Nomination

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