Michigan Library Association
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Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM

MLA Welcomes New Staff

The MLA staff are welcoming some new individuals to our team this month! We are pleased to announce that Keeley Briggs will be joining us beginning Monday, January 31 as our new Database Coordinator! Earlier this month, we also welcomed our winter semester Social Media Strategist Intern, Sophie Techentin.

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MLA's Official Position on SB 611 – Michigan Library Privacy Act

February 6, 2020

On Friday, January 31, 2020, the MLA Board of Directors unanimously voted to support and approve a substitution bill for Senate Bill 611 (SB 611).

Last October, Senator MacGregor introduced SB 611 to amend the Michigan Library Privacy Act, 1982 PA 455. The intention of his bill was to enable libraries to work with law enforcement when the library is a victim of a crime. After hearing both concerns and support from the Michigan library community on Senator MacGregor's proposed amendments to the Privacy Act, MLA drafted a substitute bill that clarifies and updates SB 611.


Michigan Library Privacy Act Update

January 23, 2020

First and foremost, we are grateful for all input that we have received from statewide librarians on SB611. The bill to amend 1982 PA 455, introduced by Senator MacGregor on October 29, was introduced without MLA input. MLA agrees that if these changes are to be implemented, it should be done when all voices (pro and con) have been heard, and all input has been taken into consideration. Through a very thorough vetting process beginning in November 2019, we believe that we have gained statewide and national insight into the support and the concerns that this update brings. The MLA Board will be voting on our position at the end of January, and we will communicate that with you quickly.

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Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM

MDHHS COVID Test Pilot Program

On January 14, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced a pilot program in partnership with 18 libraries across the state to offer free, at-home testing kits for Michiganders.

Why Libraries? MDHHS was thinking outside the box to find community organizations that people trust to give them access to the kits besides health care agencies. Other partners of MDHHS include schools, community action agencies, local Departments of Health.

The initial distribution of COVID-19 tests to select library branches will inform MDHHS’ approach to formalizing and sustaining the program in partnership with Michigan libraries. After this first phase/trial, MDHHS will consider input from the participating libraries and add additional sites based on the availability of test kits.

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Written by Ryan Wieber, MLA President   

Letter From Ryan

Well, here we go again Michigan library professionals, trustees, and advocates. Nearly one month into 2022 and it’s more of the same ol’ pandemic (thanks a lot, Omicron), and yet at the same time, a constantly shifting library service and life-on-earth landscape remind everyone how important Michigan libraries are for our local communities. 

We have learned to adapt on the fly now for nearly two years, can you believe that! The way that all libraries, both big and small, have pivoted to virtual programming and services, to curbside delivery and — by whatever means necessary — meet the needs of patrons and students all while taking the steps on a weekly basis to protect the health and wellbeing of patrons and staff, is frankly INCREDIBLE. You know it has not been easy, and we’re all aware of the mental and emotional roller coaster we face every week. Yet we cannot help but remain optimistic, and as a profession, stronger together! 

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