
Incoming members of the 102nd legislature begin their work on the second Wednesday in January 2023. With a turnover of 52% for the 110 members of the Michigan House of Representatives, the House will have 56 new members in 2023 and control rests with the Democratic party on a narrow 56-54 margin. In the 38-member Michigan Senate, Democrats also have gained the majority by a margin of 20-18. The Michigan Senate will have 16 new members in 2023, for a turnover of 45%.

It is important for library advocates to reach out to their new legislators to begin building collaborative relationships. Lawmakers need to know how valuable libraries are to their communities and be educated about the library profession and libraries' role in upholding intellectual freedom, privacy, and access for all. Click the image above to watch the December Advocacy Hour recording for a refresher on the importance of relationship-building, and how to get to know your legislators!

View an election resource document illustrating the incoming members of the 102nd Legislature courtesy of GCSI (pdf).