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BAD NEWS! Despite the adjustments, net general fund revenue – the amount available to be spent – is expected to remain mostly flat through 2021. Revenue growth is slowing. This is in direct correlation to the commitment to reimburse local governments for the loss of personal property tax revenue, formerly paid by manufacturers, and because of up to $600M a year from the general fund allocated for road and bridge repairs.

In consultation with our lobby firm, GCSI, we anticipate a 2020 budget supplemental will pass in early February focusing on finding money for roads, and fixing the remaining problems caused by the 2020 budget vetoes.

And…here we go again. On February 6, Governor Whitmer is expected to propose her spending plan for 2021, which the Legislature should complete by the end of June — provided the process does not again devolve into partisan divisions.

As we all know, there remains no shortage of demands on a very constrained general fund. As the budget year continues and as a new budget is being created, MLA will keep an eye out for any and all opportunities to increase state aid to libraries.


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