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Thursday, June 27, 2024 12:00 AM | |||
Note From Rachel
June 27, 2024 Last month, Debbie asked me to write a note about membership for this month's newsletter, and I thought, "Sure, why not?" MLA's fiscal year is ending soon so we've been managing organizational renewals and I’ve had membership on my mind. I’ve been at MLA since 2015 and working in a membership role for almost nine years, I’ve had some time to think about why we do what we do, why dedicated individuals get involved and invest their time, energy, and money, and why libraries continue to renew their memberships and support staff memberships and involvement. I know membership is beneficial to individual members, libraries, and our communities – I’ve seen it first-hand: Individuals get involved and then advance in their careers, they bring fresh ideas to their libraries, they move into new leadership roles. Our advocacy efforts at the capitol put money back into libraries’ budgets, and our collective advocacy protects our communities' access to information and the right to read. And, while some of the benefits members receive are tangible, like increases to State aid (Michigan lawmakers just passed the FY25 budget– $1M!) and discounts on events like our upcoming annual conference (registration is open!) most of the benefits aren’t so easily defined. So what ARE the benefits of membership? Why should you pay money to be involved in an association? Why should libraries be organizational members AND support staff memberships? As one is wont to do in this day and age, I asked ChatGPT: What are the benefits of membership in an association? The response: Here are common benefits:
Not bad. Over the years, I’ve answered this question in a similar way, but when someone still asks, “But what do I get for it?” I understand where they are coming from, but I often struggle to articulate an answer. Why would you and why should you be involved in an association like MLA? Different people are going to answer that in different ways. I can tell you my point of view. MLA members ARE the association. The association certainly isn’t the staff - although we are all deeply committed to the work, we are only stewards of the association’s resources doing our best to fulfill the mission and live up to the values of the membership. It’s not just the Board, although they provide both strategic direction and oversight. It’s not just library workers or libraries. It’s all of us, and it’s something more. MLA as a collective of individuals and institutions, all dedicated to the library profession, aims to serve communities, facilitate access, protect libraries, and stand up for democracy – all lofty goals and worthy aspirations. Worthy of time, energy, and yes, money. Together we can do so much more – we aren’t perfect, but we strive for better. And if that’s not worth the investment I don’t know what is.