News - Advocacy
Wednesday, February 09, 2022 01:12 PM

Governor Whitmer's Fiscal Year 2023 Proposed Budget

Today, Governor Whitmer introduced her FY23 proposed budget with a $74.1 billion spending plan, the largest in state history. The Governor’s priorities for FY23 are laid out specifically on page 3 of the budget presentation document and the Budget Stabilization Fund – “Rainy Day Fund” has increased by $51.8 million bringing the total fund to $1.5 billion.

Even with increases in revenue, the Governor’s General Fund budget, which totals $14.3 billion, remains flat for Library State Aid at $15,067,700 but also continues to include $800,000 for a Library Pilot project for school and public library collaboration. (See pages 79 and 80 in the FY23 General Omnibus Budget). Other line items for the Library of Michigan take into account slight salary and program increases from FY22 for MeL and other library operations. 

Of special note to libraries from the Governor’s Budget recommendations from the Education Omnibus (page 111, section 32n) is a $25 million fund with an additional $25 million in one-time funding to develop a competitive grant program to expand access to quality, affordable programming before and after the school day for young people. Qualifications include:

  1. Serve children in any of the grades - kindergarten to 12. 
  2. Be a community-based organization that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 501, an institution of higher education, community or adult education program, a public library, or a local government. 

These programs must be used to support expanded learning opportunities, including but not limited to mentoring, leadership, community engagement, agriculture, art, music, literacy, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health, and recreation programming.

MLA will be looking deeper into these multi-page budgets and providing further analysis in the days to come. View the FY23 Budget Press Release.pdf


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